Resource Links
We can make no claim for the reliability or efficacy of any of the following services or subsequent pages they may recommend. They are among a number of useful resources available over the internet, and as with all things on the internet a dose of caution is always healthy. They are, however, provided as a starting point for searching for additional information.
For Parents
NEW! Supervised Visitation Training
Training for volunteer supervisors (friends, relatives, and other non-professionals) providing supervised visitation. Providing education about expectations from the legal system, strategies for setting clear behavioral expectations to meet those expectations, and empowerment to intervene and redirect when needed, this course, produced by Dr. Robb and Bradley Craig from Between Two Homes, can be an essential tool for positive outcomes for children and parents. Tap here to find out more!
Local Resources Guide (a project Dr. Robb volunteers on) has compiled a free listing of several local providers who work with court-connected issues, including contact information and their specialty areas. This is a growing project that continues to look for additional providers to help serve family law clients. The site is completely free, please pass it on if you know someone who might be interested in being listed.
The Children's Bill of Rights
The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers published the Children's Bill of Rights in 1998. They also publish Ten Tips for Divorcing Parents. Both are something that every parent in a divorce or parenting time case should review and try and keep in mind as they go through this difficult experience.
Resources for families going through divorce or parenting time issues
- Attorney General of Texas Child Support Division page contains a number of helpful resources.
- - information for parents from Legal Aid of North West Texas.
- - low cost civil legal services and self help resources.
- Texas Equal Access to Justice Foundation - legal services for low-income Texans.
- State Bar of Texas Lawyer Referral Service - listing of local and state-wide referral services.
- Dallas County Domestic Violence Resources
- Divorce Texas - a commercial page offering legal services.
- Parenting Coordination Central - a good resource on Parenting Coordination (and, for us Texans, Parenting Facilitation) services.
Books by People We Know
- Between Two Homes A Coparenting Handbook.
- The Max the Dog Series for children adjusting to family changes.
- Custody Chaos, Personal Peace for parents adjusting to post-separation life.
- The Art and Science of Child Custody Evaluations a great professional resource.
- The Psychotherapist as Parent Coordinator a handbook for what we in Texas would call Parenting Facilitation.
- Divorce Poison a classic "go to" book, now in an updated edition.
For Professionals
Professional Training Mailing Lists
The North Texas Families in Transition Professional Workgroup has mailing lists for both legal and mental health professionals interested in training opportunities. You can sign up on the 'Events' page on their web site, where they also list training opportunities their members are involved with.
Professional organiztion pages
- AFCC - The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
- Texas Chapter of AFCC
- APSAC - The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
- The Licensed Professional Counselor Homepage
- The National Board for Certified Counselors
- Prevent Child Abuse Texas
- The Supervised Visitation Network
- North Texas Families in Transition Professional Workgroup
Handouts for use with clients
- Co-parent Friendly Vocabulary - healthy language we should all be using (co-created with Bradley Craig, LMSW-IPR of Children in the Middle)
- Co-parenting Device Guidelines - addressing screen time, cell phones, and other devices
- "I'm Not Safe" - Approaching Children's Anxiety Amidst Family Conflict - one step in helping sort out children's responses to difficult family disruptions
- Letting kids know it is OK to talk in counseling - an exercise for individual counseling, family therapy, and other situations where children are often pulled to tell "mom's story" or "dad's story" but need to be congruent and tell their own story
- Co-parenting Notification Guidelines - what does notificaiton "in a timely manner" look like in good co-parenting?
- Reunification Parent-Child Contact Guidelines - for those difficult situations where there may have been a rupture in the healthy parent-child relationship
Some of Dr. Robb's writings...
Dr. Robb has started collecting some of the journal articles and newsletter pieces he's written for various groups here for easy reference:
- Ethics in action: Taking a systems approach to therapy with children - NASW Specialty Practice Sections Social Work & The Courts Section Connection, Spring 2018.
- Eliminating parenting time recommendations from therapy reports - Co-written with Steven 'Jake' Jacobson for the NASW Specialty Practice Sections Social Work & The Courts Section Connection, Fall/Winter 2017.
- Custody Evalualuations and Educators - from the Texas Counseling Association Guildenlines, Winter 2016. [Adapted with permission from the work of Steven 'Jake' Jacobson.]
- Therapeutic vs. Forensic Roles: Avoiding Nonsexual Boundary Violations with Clients - from the NASW Specialty Practice Sections Social Work & The Courts Section Connection, Fall 2016.
- Seminar Paper on Reunification Therapy and Court Orders - Co-written with the Honorable Emily Miskel, Christy Bradshaw Schmidt, and Dr. Susan Fletcher as part of a joint presentation for the AFCC 12th Symposium on Child Custody Evaluation (November, 2016). The paper covers an overview of many issues related to Reunification Therapy.
- A Systematic Approach to Reunification Therapy - Dr. Robb's contribution is within a larger paper for the UT Law continuing legal education conference 'Innovations - Breaking Boundaries in Custody Litigation' (June, 2014).
- Articles excerpted from 2012 issues of Denton County Laywer on supervised visitation (this series won the Denton Bar a 2013 'Stars of Bars' award for Best Series of Articles - Substantive Law).
- Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail - another piece on supervised visitation, this time from the Supervised Visitation Network's 'Sitting In' newsletter.
- What's in a name? Parenting Coordination vs Family Psychotherapy A somewhat dated piece from the Spring 2008 Family Law Section Report, but the general point is still relevant (although parenting services have continued to evolve).
- A brief discussion on the major differences between Parenting Coordination, Parenting Facilitation, and Family Therapy is a piece Dr. Robb did for the Texas AFCC web page. It's a little more up to date than the SBOT FLS Report article.
- Child custody coaches, consultants and advisors in contested cases - hidden resources or lurking menaces? - another article for the Texas AFCC web page.
- Dr. Robb's published journal articles are available in the American Journal of Family Law, the Journal of Child Custody, and there's even a little book review in the International Journal of Social Work that you can look up.