Resource Links

We can make no claim for the reliability or efficacy of any of the following services or subsequent pages they may recommend. They are among a number of useful resources available over the internet, and as with all things on the internet a dose of caution is always healthy. They are, however, provided as a starting point for searching for additional information.

For Parents

NEW! Supervised Visitation Training

Training for volunteer supervisors (friends, relatives, and other non-professionals) providing supervised visitation. Providing education about expectations from the legal system, strategies for setting clear behavioral expectations to meet those expectations, and empowerment to intervene and redirect when needed, this course, produced by Dr. Robb and Bradley Craig from Between Two Homes, can be an essential tool for positive outcomes for children and parents. Tap here to find out more!

Local Resources Guide (a project Dr. Robb volunteers on) has compiled a free listing of several local providers who work with court-connected issues, including contact information and their specialty areas. This is a growing project that continues to look for additional providers to help serve family law clients. The site is completely free, please pass it on if you know someone who might be interested in being listed.

The Children's Bill of Rights

The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers published the Children's Bill of Rights in 1998. They also publish Ten Tips for Divorcing Parents. Both are something that every parent in a divorce or parenting time case should review and try and keep in mind as they go through this difficult experience.

Resources for families going through divorce or parenting time issues

Books by People We Know

For Professionals

Professional Training Mailing Lists

The North Texas Families in Transition Professional Workgroup has mailing lists for both legal and mental health professionals interested in training opportunities. You can sign up on the 'Events' page on their web site, where they also list training opportunities their members are involved with.

Professional organiztion pages

Handouts for use with clients

Some of Dr. Robb's writings...

Dr. Robb has started collecting some of the journal articles and newsletter pieces he's written for various groups here for easy reference: